- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 当館は、ランプワークといわれる技法で作られたとんぼ玉をはじめとする古代から現代ま...
(078) 393-8500KOBEとんぼ玉ミュージアム
- もういちど「日本」をみつめなおしてほしいーーー
(050) 3553-0774NPO法人日本農林再生保全センター JAFREC
- 「宇宙とエネルギー」をテーマにした科学館。
(06) 6444-5656大阪市立科学館
- 発明・発見の大切さを伝える体験型食育ミュージアム
(072) 752-3484インスタントラーメン発明記念館
- 和歌山城は、虎伏山(とらふすやま)に立つ和歌山市のシンボルです。 その昔天守閣は...
紀州徳川家の居城としての歴史や、復元された御橋廊下等はもちろん、お城の敷地の中には、動物園やお茶室があり、おもてなし忍者が皆様をお待ちしています! ぜひ一度お越しくださいませ。
(073) 435-1044和歌山市和歌山城
As long as you are not on a call and your phone is turned on, your phone will ring loudly and vibrate, even if it is in silent mode.
It cannot be predicted when or where a natural disaster will strike.
Imagining yourself in various situations and preparing for them will help you in a real emergency.
Please take this opportunity to think about how you will get information, how you will protect yourself, and what actions you will take afterward if an earthquake strikes.
Additionally, in the event of a disaster, it is important to help others in the community. By confirming the safety of the people in your neighborhood, many lives can be saved.
If you are not a member of a Neighborhood Association, please consider joining now.
For how to join, please contact the Neighborhood Association Section at 072-724-6179.
Civil Defence Division
Information about Minoh City is announced through the radio (FM 81.6MHz), the internet, and the City magazine. In an emergency, important information for Citizens is broadcast on Tackey 816.
For the Minoh City Website:
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