- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 发明・体验式食品教育博物馆,传达了发现的重要性。
速食拉面发明博物馆是一个亲身体验的食品教育设施,儿童和成人都可以在这里享受学习的乐趣。 1958年8月25日,安藤百福在大阪府池田市自家后院搭建的小屋里发明了鸡肉拉面,他使用普通的工具,日夜不停地进行研究。 速食拉面发明博物馆通过鸡肉拉面工厂和我的杯面工厂等实践车间以及速食拉面发源地大阪府池田市的各种速食拉面展览,传达了发明的重要性・。该馆在大阪池田市还有一个 "鸡肉拉面工厂 "和 "我的杯...
(072) 752-3484インスタントラーメン発明記念館
- 我想让你再看看'日本'......
我们希望人们重新审视 "日本的善良",这在当今快速变化的社会中常常被遗忘。 我们认为,这是实现这一目标的最佳途径。 为了实现这一愿望,JAFREC正在努力实现以下[任务・愿景]。
(050) 3553-0774NPO法人日本農林再生保全センター JAFREC
- 致力于 "空间和能源 "的科学博物馆。
在展厅里,儿童和成人都可以体验到科学的奥妙,展品以亲身参与的方式为中心,让参观者在观看和触摸展品的过程中获得学习的乐趣。由专业人员进行的科学表演也很受欢迎! 博物馆里有很多东西可以欣赏,包括一个天文馆,它在世界最大的圆顶屏幕上尽可能地再现了星空的真实面貌!。
(06) 6444-5656大阪市立科学館
- 和歌山城是和歌山市的象征,矗立在Torafusu山(Torafusuyama)。...
(073) 435-1044和歌山市和歌山城
- 该博物馆是世界上唯一一个展出从古至今约2000件玻璃制品(的博物馆),包括用一种...
从精致的、高度艺术化的作品到充满个性的独特作品,参观者可以看到灯饰加工的魅力和潜力的最佳体现。 在演示・车间,游客可以首次尝试制作蜻蜓珠。 博物馆内有一个博物馆商店,是一个可以看到・学习、・创造和・购买的有趣地方。
(078) 393-8500KOBEとんぼ玉ミュージアム
Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter NO.54 May 31, 2024
Hello, Osaka Global E-mail Newsletter readers! We are sending you 13 topics this time.
Table of Contents
* NEW! The day of the 13th Osaka 8.8 million person drill has been determined!
* NEW! ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives in Osaka Prefecture
* NEW! Please help prevent damage by the red-necked longhorn beetle from growing. Cherry blossom, peach, and plum trees can die due to these insects.
* NEW! Register your dogs and have them vaccinated against rabies!
* Have you heard of #Instagrammable Osaka – Scenic Viewpoint Osaka?
* Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app.
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching.The admission tickets are now on sale!
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
* Let’ s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
* COVID-19 Information
* NEW! The day of the 13th Osaka 8.8 million person drill has been determined!
The drill will start at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, September 3!
On the day, warning will be issued by emergency alert mail/area mail for the drill!
Please see the website below for further details.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/shobobosai/880kunren/reiwa6nen.html (Select languages)
* NEW! ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives in Osaka Prefecture
Osaka Prefecture implements ”Eco-style Summer in Kansai” initiatives, which encourage people to strictly maintain the office and meeting room air-conditioning at an appropriate temperature (28 degrees Celsius) during the initiative period to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by further promoting energy savings.
They also promote wearing lightweight casual clothes in the workplace and meeting rooms.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/chikyukankyo/jigyotoppage/ecostyle2015.html (Select languages)
* NEW! Please help prevent damage by the red-necked longhorn beetle from growing. Cherry blossom, peach, and plum trees can die due to these insects.
Damage from the invasive alien species, ”red-necked long horn beetle” has rapidly expanded.
We ask for your cooperation in preventing further damage.
URL: https://www.knsk-osaka.jp/watch/doc/2024030500024/ (in Japanese only)
* NEW! Register your dogs and have them vaccinated against rabies!
Every year, from April to June is the rabies vaccination period.
Each dog owner is required to obey the following rules stipulated in the Rabies Prevention Law:
1. Register your dog.
2. Have your dog vaccinated.
3. Attach the license tag and rabies vaccination certificate to your dog.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/doaicenter/doaicenter/kyokenbyo.html (Select languages)
Instagram: https://instagram.com/osaka_pref_anihamo
Have you heard of #Instagrammable Osaka – Scenic Viewpoint Osaka?
Osaka’s beautiful landscapes are publicly being collected, selected, and then shared with the name, ”VIEW SPOT OSAKA”.
Please visit the real sites to admire a variety of Instagram-worthy sites in Osaka such as historical landmarks, natural beauty, and urban infrastructure.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kenshi_kikaku/viewspotosakaproject/index.html (Select languages)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/osaka_landscape/
* Please utilize the Osaka Disaster Prevention app.
Osaka Prefecture is now offering a new app providing disaster prevention information in Osaka Prefecture for your daily use.
URL: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/o020090/shobobosai/odp-app/index.html (Select languages)
* Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai is approaching.The admission tickets are now on sale!
A diverse range of discounted advance tickets are currently available. Please check out the options that suit your needs.
URL: https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/ (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/expo2025japan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expo2025japan/
* Please use the Osaka Labor Consultation Center!
Free consultation is available about your worries, problems, and troubles. Interpretation service is also available (Advance reservation is required).
Please feel free to seek support via phone, online, through face-to-face counseling, or with a chatbot!
URL: https://roudou-soudan-center.pref.osaka.lg.jp/ (Select languages)
Chatbot: https://embed.chatbot.digital.ricoh.com/shokorodo/app/index.html
* Free anonymous HIV testing and counseling for foreign nationals
Once a month, HIV testing will be conducted with interpretation services in both Chinese and Vietnamese.
URL: http://www.smartlifeclinic.com/?page_id=1788
X (former Twitter): @chotcast
* Information and free advice about daily life in many languages for foreign residents in Osaka!
In order to support foreign residents’ ability to have safe and secure lives in Japan, the Osaka Foundation of International Exchange (OFIX) offers information and advice on a wide range of issues including daily-life-related matters in many languages (11 including Japanese).
Languages available: Chinese, English, Filipino, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali,Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese (in Alphabetical order)
URL: https://www.ofix.or.jp/life/english/ (Select languages)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osakafoundation
* Let’s support hardworking students! -Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund-
There is a new promotional video for the Osaka Prefecture Global Human Resource Development Fund.
The Fund supports students, especially those going above and beyond to improve their English and those wishing to study abroad! Your donation to the Fund would be highly appreciated.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/27vH6zP6gOs
Donation-related page: https://www.pref.osaka.lg.jp/kanko/kifu/index.html (Select languages)
* Wahha Kamigata, the archive of kamigata comedy and performing arts that is the only of its kind in Japan!
Wahha Kamigata is a Laughter-themed archive that is the only of its kind nationwide.
It was established not only to preserve and promote Kamigata Comedy and the Performing Arts, but also to provide residents of Osaka Prefecture with opportunities where they can get familiar with these things too!
This archive aims to contribute to the development and preservation of Osaka’s culture. Please come and check it out!
URL: http://wahha-kamigata.jp (Select languages)
X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/WKamigata
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wahha.kamigata
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wahha_kamigata
* COVID-19 Information
To prevet the spread of infections, please continue to take basic infection prevention measures such as hand washing, effective ventilation, and practicing appropriate etiquette including wearing a mask when coughing based on your own decision.
(To foreign nationals)
(Consultation center for foreign nationals and foreign tourists)
Related links
* Osaka Prefectural Government:
* facebook(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Instagram(International Affairs Division, Osaka Prefectural Government):
* Osaka Foundation of International Exchange:
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Published by:
International Affairs Division
Department of Civic and Cultural Affairs
Osaka Prefectural Government