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- [Registrant]富田林市
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]大阪府 富田林市
- Posted : 2024/07/08
- Published : 2024/07/08
- Changed : 2024/07/08
- Total View : 172 persons
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- A science museum dedicated to "space and...
Children and adults alike can experience the wonders of science through hands-on exhibits that allow them to learn while having fun by looking at and touching the exhibits. Science shows by professio...
(06) 6444-5656大阪市立科学館
- Invention ・ A hands-on food education mu...
The Instant Ramen Invention Museum is a hands-on food education facility where both children and adults can enjoy learning. On August 25, 1958, Momofuku Ando invented Chicken Ramen in a small hut he...
(072) 752-3484インスタントラーメン発明記念館
- Wakayama Castle is the symbol of Wakayam...
The history of the castle as the residence of the Kishu Tokugawa family, and the restored Gobashi corridor, as well as the zoo and tea ceremony room on the castle grounds, and the hospitality of the ...
(073) 435-1044和歌山市和歌山城
- The museum is the only museum in the wor...
From exquisite and highly artistic works to unique pieces brimming with individuality, visitors will be able to fully appreciate the charm and potential of lampwork. In the demonstration ・ workshop, ...
(078) 393-8500KOBEとんぼ玉ミュージアム
- I want you to look at "Japan" again.
We would like people to take another look at the "goodness of Japan" that is often forgotten in today's rapidly changing society. We believe that this is the only way to achieve our goal. In order ...
(050) 3553-0774NPO法人日本農林再生保全センター JAFREC
とき 令和6年8月22日、29日、9月5日、12日、19日、26日:全て木曜日 全6回、10〜16時
ところ 市役所
内容 介護予防に必要な、運動・栄養・口の機能・安全に関する基礎知識と指導方法を学びます
対象者 市内在住・在勤のおおむね74歳までの人。原則すべての講座に出席し、養成講座修了は介護予防サポーターの会「健やかスマイル」に入会し、『笑顔はつらつ教室』で指導できる人
定員 10人(定員超過の場合は抽選)※結果は8月15日頃郵送で連絡します。
参加費 無料
申し込み・問い合わせ 令和6年8月14日(水)までに高齢介護課ヘ。TEL:0721-25-1000(内線198)。申込フォーム: